Mission Statement

PoopMax: Sacramento's Superhero of Scoopin'

Sacramento’s sprawling lawns and vibrant parks were once a poop-filled paradise for villains like Drool-Beard the Doberman and Captain Catastrophe (a sneaky stray with a penchant for lampposts). Life for responsible pet owners was a never-ending battle against the dreaded “yard mines.”

Enter Max, a scruffy pup mix with a heart of gold (and a nose for…well, you know). Max wasn’t your average pup. He dreamt of a Sacramento free from olfactory offenses, a place where playful pups could frolic without fear of a surprise deposit. One fateful night, while investigating a particularly pungent pile left by Captain Catastrophe, a bolt of inspiration struck Max! He would become the hero Sacramento deserved – PoopMax!

PoopMax, sporting a high-tech harness and a trusty scooper, patrolled the streets. His keen sense of smell led him to the most dastardly deeds, leaving yards sparkling clean in his wake. Word spread like wildfire. Pet owners rejoiced! Villains like Drool-Beard despaired!

But Max couldn’t do it alone. He assembled a team of Poop Troopers – dedicated humans who shared his mission. Together, they formed PoopMax!, the Sacramento Greater Area’s most trusted poop-scooping service.

Today, PoopMax! continues its heroic mission. We’re Sacramento’s #1 defense against doggy poop disasters. So, if you’re tired of battling the brown menace, give us a call! Our Poop Troopers, armed with the latest scooping technology and boundless enthusiasm, will leave your yard cleaner than Captain Catastrophe’s conscience (which is saying something).

Join us in making Sacramento a cleaner, happier place for everyone (except maybe Captain Catastrophe)!

Contact us Today! +1 (833) 766 7629

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