Join poopmax team

Do You Love Dogs ? PoopMax is Hiring!
Tired of the daily grind? Here's a chance to switch gears.

Dog-loving Team Members Wanted!

Do you have a passion for pups and a strong work ethic? We’re seeking reliable individuals to join our team providing top-notch pet waste removal services. We’ll equip you with everything you need to succeed, including a company vehicle so you can start and end your day from home.

Bonus points for early birds! We offer a stable workweek with occasional Saturdays to ensure our furry friends stay happy and healthy.

But wait, there’s more!

  • Weekly pay + tips!
  • Opportunities for growth within the company!

Sound like a perfect fit? Keep reading!

Love interacting with people?

We’re also searching for a superstar Customer Service & Sales Representative to handle customer inquiries and build relationships. Training provided – a love for dogs is a plus (because, well, dogs)!

Think you have the organizational skills to keep things running smoothly?

Join our team as our Office Manager! You’ll be the glue that holds everything together, overseeing operations, customer service, and even payroll.

Ready to ditch the cubicle and make a difference?

Check out the details and apply for a position that matches your skills and interests. We can’t wait to meet you!

Pet Waste Technician

Join PoopMax in Sacramento! We specialize in pet waste removal for both residential and commercial properties in the area. Our schedule typically runs Monday through Friday, with the occasional Saturday for makeup days. Enjoy the convenience of starting and ending your day from home, with a company vehicle at your disposal. We offer weekly pay, along with tips, plus opportunities for growth within the company. Love dogs? We do too!

Customer Service & Sales Representative

We’re hiring a full-time CSSR to handle customer inquiries via calls, emails, and texts. Experience in customer service is preferred, but we provide training on our business software. Enjoy weekly pay, a company phone, and advancement opportunities. While you won’t be out in the field, a love for dogs is still a must!

Office Manager

Take charge as our office manager! You’ll oversee day-to-day operations, support our customer service and sales team, and manage payroll and accounts. This full-time role comes with weekly pay, a company phone, and chances for advancement. Experience with Quickbooks Online is a plus. Ready to take the reins? Apply now!

Contact us Today! +1 (833) 766 7629

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